Coalition Against Bigger Trucks – NEW Poll: Voters overwhelmingly oppose bigger trucks
by CABT – The Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT) today released a nationally representative poll that found that nearly 80 percent of Americans oppose putting longer and heavier trucks on roads and highways.
As special interests continue to lobby Congress for heavier and longer trucks, the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT) today released a nationally representative poll that found that nearly 80 percent of Americans oppose putting longer and heavier trucks on roads and highways.
Opposition was due in large part to safety concerns – a majority of voters rate the safety of driving next to a semi-truck as fair or poor while the leading indicator for opposition to truck size increases was “more crashes on the roads” – but respondents were also concerned with the impact large trucks place on infrastructure. Below are key findings:
- A staggering 79 percent of voters oppose longer and heavier trucks.
- Reasons for opposition vary, with the biggest concerns being safety, followed by infrastructure damage and costs.
Harper Polling conducted the live-operator survey in January of 2018, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. Harper Polling president Brock McCleary was struck by the indisputable results.
“This nationwide poll illustrates that motorists clearly do not want to be flanked by longer or heavier tractor-trailers on the highway, and that goes for Republicans and Democrats alike,” said McCleary.
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