Fayetteville Observer – N.C. surveys say Gov. Cooper Ahead, President Trump slightly down.
by Paul Woolverton – Two recent surveys say Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper is ahead of Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest in the 2020 governor’s race, and that Republican President Trump has a slightly negative approval-to-disapproval score.
Two recent surveys say Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper is ahead of Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest in the 2020 governor’s race, and that Republican President Trump has a slightly negative approval-to-disapproval score.
One survey was commissioned by the conservative-leaning Civitas Institute think tank, and the other was done by the Democrat-allied Public Policy Polling survey agency.
Civitas said it hired Harper Polling to survey 500 likely voters in North Carolina from June 8 to 10, and the margin of error is 4.38%
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